
Open journals

I always believed that open journals (i.e., journals where you do not have to pay a subscription to access contents) are the best way to spread scientific knowledge - actually, you are more read than with other journals, even if the magic math of impact factors does not always do justice to that.

I just discovered a site that lists most of them, and here it the section about educational technologies, I hope this can be of help.
Here is a compilation of 100 sites for educational digital games - interesting for exploring this new media which is so powerful for education.

One I like is games4change.


Microsoft HCI report

Here is the Microsoft Research’s just released report about the future vision for HCI. Worth reading, especially after our last seminar at EPFL. Many innovations describes here still seem futuristic, but they brought me back to our online seminar with Peters & Maurer: how much will new technologies affect our lifes?



1968: mouse computer first demo

On December 9, 1968, Douglas C. Engelbart and the group of 17 researchers working with him in the Augmentation Research Center at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, CA, presented a 90-minute live public demonstration of the online system, NLS, they had been working on since 1962.

The public presentation was a session of the Fall Joint Computer Conference held at the Convention Center in San Francisco, and it was attended by about 1,000 computer professionals.

This was the public debut of the computer mouse.

take a look at: http://sloan.stanford.edu/MouseSite/1968Demo.html

Nice Journal for publishing

Here is a new Journal that I think it would be interesting for all of us to publish on.
http://www.jld.qut.edu.au/ It also accepts litterature reviews :)


digital copyrights

An interesting resource for understanding issues in digital copyrights applied to education and the market around content publication in education - videos from Cory Doctorow (not a pleasant guy in himself, but smart!):