
My triangular (in-progress) map

The domain I'd like to researh in lays on the cross of two fields: computer-supported-learning and argumentation. Here below is illustrated the process from which arised my (starting) research question.

To try to answer to the r.q. I need to identify every element of the following triangular model.

Contents: logics, argumentation, computer supported learning tools

People: - P. A. Kirschner and S .J. Buckingham Shum (tools for c-s learning analysis and visualization)
- G. Conole (sociological aspects in the use of c-s lerning tools + CompendiumLD project)
- F. van Eeemeren and E. Rigotti (argumentation theory, particularly Pragma-Dialectic and fallacies)

communities: - ISSA (International Society for the Study of Argumentation)
- human-centered technology research fields, particularly: CSAV (Computer Supported Argument Visualization), CSCW, CMC, CSCL

conferences: - from June 29 to July 2, 2010, the 7th Conference on Argumentation
- EC-TEL 2009
- Ed-Media 2009/E-Learn 2009

books: -Kirshner, Visualizing argumentation: Software tools for collaborative and educational sense-making
- Andriessen, Arguing to Learn: Confronting Cognitions in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environments
- Toulmin, The uses of argument
- Engelbart, Augmenting human intellect: a conceptual framework
- some texts of classical logic

website: -

Methods: - State of the art of argument-visualization tools and a lot of study!!

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