
The ShanghAI Lectures

Andreas has just joined an international eLearning research project led by the prestigious AI Lab (@ IFI) at the University of Zurich.

The project's core are lectures on natural and artificial intelligence that are video-broadcast from Shanghai to universities all around the globe, and also into a virtual collaborative 3D environment (Sun's Wonderland), in which interdisciplinary and intercultural teams of students will collaboratively work on exercises. Learn more about it on the project's website: http://shanghailectures.org/

In the project Andreas is responsible for the Experience Design work stream, which is concerned with ideation and design of the virtual world itself, collaborative tasks within it, and supporting collaboration tools.

If you are interested in doing research in a virtual world with more than 400 collaborating, socializing, and collaboratively learning students, or if you think your university could be interested in participating (e.g. in the scope of a course), let me know or read here about how to participate.

1 comment:

Emanuele Rapetti said...

wow! good for you! good luck for everything...