
digital native definition (West Virginia Department of Education)

Digital Immigrant

A technology user, usually over the age of thirty, who was not born into the digital world. The digital immigrant uses technology, but often attempts to bring this use into a framework s/he finds comfort in, such as printing material accessed on the Internet before reading it.

Digital Native

A technology user under the age of 30, who was born into the digital world and is accustomed to receiving information very quickly. The digital native is able to parallel-process and multi-task, and usually prefers to see graphics before text. S/he tends to be more comfortable working in a hyperlinked environment, and when s/he receives frequent rewards or feedback.

from West Virginia Department of Education http://wvde.state.wv.us/21stcenturydigitalresource/index.html


Luca said...

That sounds really naive!!

Emanuele Rapetti said...

Of course it is!

If (and I underline IF) it exists the concept of "digital natives" it should explain a very complicated reality...

...and I'm really doubtful about a few-lines-descrption!