
From New Zealand to India with Andreas

Just come back from a very nice evening...

...thank you, Andreas, for wonderful pics!

Indian foods were great and all of us fell in love with New Zealand.

Now, we're waiting you to publish the best ones, in order to share with other red-ink mates your dreamful journeys!



Conference on 'eParticipation'

...held in a neighboring alpine country.

Sounds as if it could be of interest for some of you.
But attention: Deadline for papers coming up soon!!

playing 'paper, scissors, stone' with BERTI

At British Science Museum scientists developped a robot able to play the child game 'paper, scissors, stone'.

mah?!? :-/


World of Warcraft Intervention

Reality or Virtuality? You choose.

...only good that this is still considered humor.
If you want to know more: there is an interesting movie coming out soon: http://www.secondskinfilm.com/

Graduate Student Conference on Technology, Media and Designs for Learning

This conference in New York sounds interesting for every PhD student working on education, media, communication, or games for learning. But see for yourself here:

- submitted papers must be completely authored by graduate students
- they only want an abstract to be submitted before the conference, as I understood it
- registration fee: $25


Two interesting research workshops

Here are two nice workshops that will be held during the next ICALT Conference

Workshop on Visual Design Languages and Applications for Technology Enhanced Learning

Workshop on Affect and Educational Design Patterns

ICALT 2009 is one of the major e-learning conferences in Europe, and will be on July 14-18, 2009 in Riga, Latvia - http://www.ask4research.info/icalt/2009/



So, finally, this is the 'full', I think, list of conferences I would like to attend and participate t0 in 2009:

- Design09, Berlin, 15-17 February: presentation of a workshop titled: 'The activity theory as a framework to describe and analyze the design communication'; Accepted

- SKGM pre-conference, Zurich, 25 March: presentation of my Phd proposal and discussion with other phd students and experts; Accepted

- Communicating (by) design, Brussels, 15-17 April: presentation of a full-paper (co-authors Botturi and Andreas) named: 'Communication patterns in design teams'; Accepted

- Epique conference, Nice, 18-30 September: presentation of a paper called: 'Le processus rational du dessin en gruppes' ; Not submitted yet

- Creativity and Cognition, Berkeley USA, 27-30 October: Having the Professor Csikszentmihalyi (you know, the guy who invented the 'flow' term to describe the creative process) as a key-note speaker is a sufficient reason! I would like to interview him. And if it is possible to go, I will submit a paper with possible title: 'Different creativities, same cognitive patterns: the role of communication flow in design teams'; Not submitted (and I don't know if I will be able to submit it!)