
online data of interesting searches about european behaviour in using ICT

The first is the Ofcom’s third report on developments in international communications markets.

"This report sets out the availability, take-up and use of communications services among seven main comparator countries (the UK, France, Germany, Italy, the US, Canada and Japan). Where data are available, we have included a further five European countries (Poland, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden and the Republic of Ireland). We also consider separately the development of communications markets in the large emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China. "

The second one is the public report of international research MEDIAPPRO

"Mediappro is an international project about the way young people (12-18) appropriate the new media in network, including new portable audio-scripto-visual media (mobile phone, Internet, video games, multimedia supports)."

I suggest you to take a look, you may discover something interesting!

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